Clutch Point
I have been playing with cars every day for the last two years and I am not even that interested in cars.
Kids and work have taken up all my time and I am now ready to shift gears.
Hopefully I will catch you on the flip side.
Off-site exhibition in a small cellar on a parking lot, Svendborg (DK) 2024
Auto Tray
70cm x 100cm
Flawed inkjet print on papers f mounting glue.
With scan of altered car ad, used as a paper tray for joint making, found in the area.
Local city-map
194cm x 114
Underbody protection on wall
Fast Tracks
61cm x 91cm
Inkjet print on paper with a photograph of tiretracks in the area
High velocity tire tube
105cm x 105cm x 22cm
Tear channel
54cm x 26cm x 12cm
Windshield washer system tank, green washer fluid and bungee cord with hooks
Change of scenery
24cm x 7cm x 6cm
Toy car and shattered drinking glass
Smaller sibling
15cm x 20xm
Platin printed photograph, shot in the area
Monster Truck
21cm x 12cm x 17cm
Aluminum cans , cardboard and glue
Sun screen
127cm x 60xm
Cut outs in front window sun blocker
Black hole sun
8cm x 8cm x 2cm
Clay and acrylic paint
Dad in a corner
57cm x 6cm
Reflective decal with speed stripes
To dream of cars
Excerpts from the handout text:
“To dream of cars represents the ability to effectively make decisions in a given situation or the extent to which you feel in control of the direction your life is taking. Operating a car reflects how competent at managing a situation you or some aspect of your personality is. Who or what is in control of a situation or the way your life is going. Taking control of a situation.
The type of car represents the style of decision-making or control over a situation. The type of car may also reflect how you feel as you go about making certain decisions. People who drive your car represent aspects of yourself or projections of other people who are guiding your choices. People riding along with you in a car reflect aspects of your personality that are influencing your choices or problems that are “coming along for the ride” as you work towards a goal.”
21cm x 29,7cm
Stencil printed with yellow and black
Rainbow Grey 160gsm
Edition of 50